

There appears to be a problem on this page of your site.
On page http://www.xikao.com/content/header.htm
when you click on “编号”,
the link to http://www.xikao.com/net/number.htm
gives the error: Not found.

As recommended by the Robot Guidelines, this email is to explain our robot’s visit to your site, and to let you know about one of the problems we found. We don’t store or publish the content of your pages, but rather use the link information to update our map of the World Wide Web.

Are these reports helpful? I’d love some feedback. If you prefer not to receive these occasional error notices please let me know.

Roy Bryant

呵呵,下面自然是他们的网站啦,贩卖网站检查工具的。很“友好”是吧。他们当然希望有反馈信息啦,这样他们就能继续发垃圾。真是胡说八道,戏考网站上压根儿就没有那个 /net/number.htm 的链接,编号的目录是在 /content/number.htm 下面。混淆视听。骗子越来越鬼了,但只要坚持原则,就不会上当了。 表情


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